What is Botanical online?

Botanical-online website is a project that we began in 1999 at the family level, first by hobby, and then, with a lot of work, time and enthusiasm, we managed to expand it until building a referring site.
Many people around the world rely on us daily to consult the properties of medicinal plants, special diets, traditional remedies, recipes and tips to grow plants in a successful way.
Who are the members of Botanical-online team?
The web has become specialized in very broad topics, always related to the educational world, plants and natural medicine.
It is written by various authors, among which, Vicente Martínez Centelles, creator of this project, is the main one.
In the writing team collaborate or have collaborated: doctors, phytotherapy experts, biologists, experts in botany and ethnobotany, dietitians nutritionists, university professors, engineers, farmers, pharmacists, great connoisseurs of wild plants, chefs, psychologists, physiotherapists, illustrators and computer technicians.

In addition, various Internet users, over the years, have also wanted to contribute their photos, recipes, experiences and various collaborations in the project.
In this section you can learn more about who is behind our website, which is actually the fruit of a lifetime’s work.
Thanks to our readers
In addition to the technical team, there are many Internet users, friends and family who at some point have wanted to share some experience, drawing, curiosity, recipes, or plant photos with us.
We are very proud of the community created more than 20 years ago, and that is why we want to thank them for their trust with the following much more personal details.
Botanical-online team
Below there is a list of the members of the writing team. To know more, click on them: