Wildflowers jelly

How to prepare wildflowers jelly

meliloto recipes agar agar
Melilotus jelly made with vegetable drink, agar agar and flowers of Melilotus. Decorated with wild strawberries and elderberry syrup. Melilotus flowers provide an exquisite vanilla aroma!

How to make jelly using wildflowers?

This flower jelly consists of infusing a liquid with a fairly neutral flavor with very aromatic edible flowers, which give off its delicate aroma.

In this case, yellow sweet flower  (Melilotus officinalis) has been used, which has a very pleasant and delicate flavor that reminds vanilla .

You can also use other plants, such as elderberry, clary sage, lavender, rose petals, etc.

It is a very simple recipe, easy to make and low in calories, which allows you to discover the new flavors that nature offers us through wild flowers.

Ingredients for a flower jelly

  • Half a liter (500 ml.) of organic soy milk or vegetable drink
  • 1 cup of coffee with fresh or dried Melilotus inflorescences (dried melilot is more aromatic)
  • 5 grams of agar-agar powder  or flakes
  • 1 or 2 tablespoons (15 – 30g.) of sugar (optional)

Kitchen tools

  • 1 strainer
  • Individual glass containers

Preparation of agar agar jelly with edible flowers

  • Boil half a liter of soy drink with sugar.
  • When it breaks to boil, add the agar-agar, turn off the heat and stir until the agar dissolves for 2 minutes. It is important that it boils, because  agar-agar needs that temperature to  gelatinize.
  • Then,  add a cup of flowers  and cover. Leave covered for 4 minutes for the flowers to infuse and give off their flavor.
  • Filter the liquid to remove the flowers, since, if left a long time, they can be bitter.
  • Distribute the resulting liquid in individual containers and let them  cool in refrigeration.

How to serve it?

Serve it with some decorative wildflowers, with jam, or with a fruit syrup.

* Recipe courtesy of Montserrat Enrich from the blog: Gastronomia salvatge

* Related information: Melilotus as food

punto rojo More information on Melilotus

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

4 May, 2024

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