Truffles with walnuts and sesame seeds

Benefits of truffles with walnuts and sesame seeds


Recipe of truffles with seeds

Truffles with black sesame, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and honey
Presentation suggestion. Truffles with black sesame, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and honey

Delicious and easy recipe for truffles, quick and easy to prepare. Nutritious, natural and healthy ingredients.

They are truffles with walnuts, black sesame and pumpkin with honey. No flour, no processed dairy and without industrial products. It does not cooking (“raw”recipe) and accepts many variations. A delicious dessert with a high nutritional value.

What benefits does this recipe provide?

As they are made with natural and good quality foods, these truffles provide many nutrients, among which are: fiber, essential fatty acids omega 6 and omega 3, calcium, magnesium, folic acid and antioxidants.

It contains healthy fats, naturally present in the seeds, and natural sugars, present in honey.

Because it contains fiber and nutrients, it is a much more satisfying and healthier alternative than other industrial desserts or those made with flour, sugar and / or bad fats.

It is ideal as a special dessert, suitable for any healthy diet, for both children and adults.

Ingredients for truffles:

paste with crushed walnuts and sesame
Photo of how to process this recipe. A paste with crushed walnuts and sesame is done

For 15 small truffles, approximately:

Preparation of truffles with walnuts, sesame and honey

  • Grind or crush with a mortar the black sesame seeds. These seeds provide a more attractive truffles, cocoa-like appearance, and are richer in antioxidants than white sesame seeds.
  • Do the same with walnuts and pumpkin seeds. It is recommended to grind each ingredient separately so that no pieces too thick remain, which would hamper the kneading to form pellets.
  • Honey is added and mixed until the desired texture, which will allow to form balls and have consistency. If too sticky (too much honey), you can add back more ground walnuts. It is recommended to use (unpasteurized) raw honey because it retains the bactericidal properties and all components of honey. Raw honey can be purchased to beekeepers. Pasteurized honey is the one that is on the supermarket shelves.
  • Store the truffles in the fridge and preferably consume over the next 2-3 days.

Step by step recipe of natural truffles

Step by step recipe of natural truffles with sesame seeds and honey. Easy and quick to prepare, no cooking, no processed ingredients

Recipe variations and other forms of presentation

The recipe described is delicious, but it also supports many variations, which can also be very rich:

You can add cinnamon to flavor the recipe

By adding hydrated dried fruit, honey can be removed partially or totally, but its shelf life will be shorter.

  • Season with some aromatic spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger, anise,…)
  • Decorate in different ways. As it is nutritious and does not need cooking, it is an ideal location for workshops for children (children to avoid choking) or for healthy sweets for Christmas and holidays. For example you can coat truffles with a little grated coconut to prepare these cute dolls:

Truffles for children

Truffles for children. They are made only with walnuts, black sesame and honey. Coated with coconut and winter decoration in a shop of healthy

punto rojo More information on coconut.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 March, 2025

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