Homemade tempeh recipe
How is tempeh made?
Tempeh is made with soy beans. It is washed, boiled, the shell is removed and allowed to stand in water for several hours.
Then, the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus is then added to ferment and is allowed to stand at room temperature for at least one day, until the a visible white cloth on its surface appears
Boiling can be done only with water or with the same ingredients of seitan that will confer it the particularly distinctive flavor of soy sauce.
Upon receiving this heat treatment, it does not require more cooking if not desired, even if it supports most of them.
Tempeh recipe
- 1kg soya beans
- 2 tablespoons of the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus (to ferment later)
- 6 tablespoons vinegar (To promote an acidic environment)
Preparation of tempeh
- Grind soybean seeds mechanically or manually.
- Soak for about 15 hours to make the shell of the grain easier to remove.
- Remove the shell grain.
- Add vinegar and cook for half an hour over medium-low heat.
- Drain the soybeans. Let them cool to room temperature.
- Once them cool, expand it on a tray or other surface where we can apply the fungus easily and uniformly.
- We should let it stand in a slightly open or covered container (easy breathing) for a few hours to give place to fermentation of cooked grain to warm room temperature.
- After a maximum period of two days, a white film over the soy will take place to indicate that fermentation is successful.
We should note that the shape we give it before undergoing fermentation and rest will be kept later, but it is advisable to be the finest and smoothest possible, to facilitate later use.
How to use it?
- Tempeh can be used as a vegetable, as meat in stews, in soups, pastas, salads, etc. It can be prepared baked, fried, raw, sauteed, grilled, etc.
More information on tempeh.