How to cook seitan

Seitan recipes



– 1kg of tomatoes

– 2 onions

1 garlic

– 100g of seitan

– Parsley


Olive oil

Making the seitan with bolognese vegetable sauce

– Scald the tomatoes in boiling water for one minute.

– Remove, peel and crush the tomatoes with a fork.

– Sauté the whole garlic peeled in a frying pan with virgin olive oil, remove once it begins to brown.

– Peel the onions, dice them and add them to the pan.

(If a more homogeneous texture is desired, all ingredients can be mashed with a blender)

– Cut the seitan and dice it in the pan with the onion until it begins to brown.

– Finely chop the parsley and add it to the stir-fry.

– Finally, add the tomato and let it simmer until it is reduced.

How to serve

– Season with salt and serve as a starter.

Other recipes with seitan

How to make seitan at home

Chickpeas with seitan

Rhubarb stew with seitan

Turnip with rice, beans and seitan

* Related information: Seitan for babies, , how to preserve seitan

More information on seitan and other vegetable meat.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

25 July, 2024

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