How to cook acai
Hearts of Palm Salad with Tropical Acai
The Acai palm hearts are extracted from the top of the young stems. This delicious vegetable is sold canned and has earned the culinary charisma of many countries. France is the largest consumer of palm hearts.
A hot dish, sweet and delicious. Cocktail of colors, full of carotenoids and anthocyanins
Translated from the Portuguese as ” acai in the bowl”, this dish is a dessert, breakfast or snack typical in Brazil for athletes and young people. Because of its prominence and taste, it has become one of the most common ways to consume Acai pulp and is increasingly being prepared in more regions.
It’s a recipe full of energy and vitamins, minerals and anthocyanins. Delicious!
Delicious jam made from acai, with acai juice and brown sugar.
Acai shake with banana and strawberries
A shake, rich in calcium, potassium, vitamins and antioxidants.
More recipes and information about acai.