Tofu bites with soy sauce recipe


How to prepare tofu bites with soy sauce

Tacos de tofu con salsa de soja y sésamo



  • Cut the tofu into cubes approximately 1 finger thick.
  • Sauté in a pan with olive oil, over medium heat, for 4-5 minutes (do not put the heat too high because it has to cook well for a while).
  • During the last 2 minutes of cooking, increase the heat, add the soy sauce and sauté.
  • Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  • Serve hot accompanied by a lettuce salad, couscous, etc.

Tofu properties

Tofu is a meat substitute widely used in vegetarian diets, although due to its properties, more and more people consume it and we can find it in all types of diets: It can be introduced into any balanced diet, when there is obesity, depurative diets, etc.

Nutritionally, tofu is treated as a legume (since it comes from soybeans), so it provides the benefits of vegetable proteins, which provides the benefits of vegetable proteins. Among these properties we can highlight:

  • Being of plant origin, it is totally cholesterol-free, prevents poor circulation and contains healthy fats for the cardiovascular system.
  • It stands out mainly for being very rich in minerals, such as magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.
  • The alkalizing minerals contained in tofu strengthen bones.
  • It is very suitable for women in menopause, because soy isoflavones help relieve symptoms caused by a lack of estrogen.
  • In Asian countries, it is believed that high consumption of soy products may be one of the reasons for the low rate of osteoporosis.
  • People with fibromyalgia or rheumatic diseases can eat tofu daily as a rich source of magnesium.
  • People with hypertension or heart disease should consider that smoked tofu contains more salt, so they should not consume it too often. (Preferably consume white tofu and season with herbs).
Nutritional composition table of smoked tofu per 100 g.
Calories139 kcal.
Carbohydrates0,5 g.
Protein14,5 g.
Fat8,7 g.
Fiber0,8 g.
Sodium400 mg.

Does tofu have the same protein as meat?

The amount of tofu you need to eat to equal the protein that meat provides is approximately 130 g. (Half a 250g package of tofu).

*See more: Oriental style tofu skewers

punto rojo More information on natural food and vegetarianism

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

4 August, 2024

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