Raspberries jam recipe

How to make raspberry jam


raspeberry jam


– 2 kg of raspberries.

– 2 kg of sugar


– Wash and clean the raspberries in a colander and leave them to drain and dry.

– Place the sugar in a saucepan and place it in the oven at 110 degrees, until it is hot. Turn off the oven and keep the sugar in it to maintain the same temperature.

– Place a saucepan on low fire and put the raspberries in (no need of water.) From time to time, remove and shake the berries. Cover the pan during the first 5 minutes.

– After 5 minutes, and when a soupy mixture produced by the juice of raspberries appears, uncover the pan and cook on low fire for 12 to 15 minutes until the mixture becomes very juicy and tender.

– Pour the sugar into the pan and stir well. Raising the maximum cooking temperature and cook about 4 minutes.

– Turn off the heat and place the saucepan on a support in the kitchen bench outside the fire so it can clot, which usually happens in about 3 minutes.

– When clotted, remove the foam and pack. (For packaging use a funnel, filling the jars up to the maximum. Cover the jars with waxed paper when the jam is still warm and cover immediately)

– Keep the jam at room temperature until it loses the heat and subsequently store it in a cool, dry place, protected from light.


You can eat it at lunch on some toast, at tea time, to sweeten the yogurt or custard, as a filling for crepes, to combine with cream, ice cream or cake, etc.

punto rojo More information on raspberries.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

11 March, 2024

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