Vegetarian quinoa recipes
- Quinoa
- A bunch of fresh basil
- 1 clove of garlic cut very thin
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Salt
- Clean the quinoa with plenty of water to remove possible impurities.
- Boil the quinoa for 14 minutes:
- Quinoa contains some saponins, substances that are excessively toxic. The saponins are responsible for the foam that forms in the cooking water of quinoa. For this reason, it is advisable to boil the quinoa with enough water, then strain it and remove some of the saponins.
- Wash the basil and finely chop the leaves.
Presentation of the recipe.
It is an energy and very nutritious recipe. Quinoa gives us slow-absorbing carbohydrates, which provide lasting energy and prevent us from biting between meals. In one study, it was shown that quinoa was more satiating than cereals, so it has an important role in diets against obesity.
Quinoa also provides essential amino acids, important for the functioning of the nervous system and to treat cholesterol.
The recipe provides a source of healthy fats for its content in extra virgin olive oil, with adequate anti-inflammatory properties to help prevent the pain of arthritis, fibriomyalgya, or menstrual pain, for example.
Basil, like other aromatic herb, favors the digestive process and also provides tranquilizing properties.
It is an ideal dish in any balanced diet for students, athletes, and people with stress.
More recipes and information on quinoa.