Quinoa au pesto

How to prepare quinoa au pesto


Quinoa recipe

Photography of quinoa au pesto with almond and basil


  • Quinoa

For the pesto sauce:


  • Crush with a mortar or blender pesto ingredients.
  • Boil the quinoa for 14 minutes.
  • Optional: garnish with fresh basil leaves.

Properties of quinoa au pesto

It is an energetic and very nutritious recipe. It gives us mainly carbohydrates, from Quinoa, but with a high content of essential amino acids important to the functioning of the nervous system.

Due to the excellent contribution of slow-digesting carbohydrates, we get sustained energy and satiety, preventing us craving for food.

Pesto is a source of healthy fats because it contains extra virgin olive oil and almonds, with appropriate anti-inflammatory properties to help prevent the pain of arthritis and menstrual pain, for example.

It is an ideal dish for the diet of children, students, youth, athletes, adults and people with stress. One should moderate in case of obesity.

Because of the high mineral content of almonds, it is a basifying recipe rich in magnesium and suitable for treating autoimmune diseases (where there is, in general, a magnesium deficiency), and for treating fatigue, fibromyalgia and bone health.

* Related information: Mediterranean diet characteristics.

punto rojoMore information about Mediterranean diet.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

24 July, 2024

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