Pistachio candies

How to make candies with pistachios



– Pistachios roasted and peeled.

– A bar of chocolate fondant

– Sugar (optional).


– Chop the pistachios in large pieces or halves.

– In a bowl, break the chocolate and melt it slowly in Bain Marie so it does not burn.

– Once the chocolate has become liquid, pour the pistachios and mix.

– Pour the mixture into an ice-cube-mould tray with the desired shape and put it in the freezer.

– Remove from the freezer after 2h or when solidified.

– Separate the chocolates from the moulds, place in a plate and serve.

How is it used?

It is eaten as a dessert

* See pistachios in the kitchen

More pistachio recipes

Pistachio drink

Pistachio sauce

Breaded goat cheese with pistachios

More information on pistachios.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 July, 2024

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