500 g of honey or sugar
1 / 2 liter of water
300 g peanuts
5 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons lemon juice
The preparation of this dish involves a process of caramelization of the honey or sugar. During it you must not fail to remove the components that remain very hot, so you must take care not to burn yourself. The hot caramel paste can stick to your skin, causing severe burns. (Protect your hands with mitts and your eyes with glasses)
Pour water into a pan and heat it. Add honey and, using a wooden spoon, stir it well until it starts to caramelize
Once it begins to caramelize, add the peanuts and 4 tablespoons of butter. Stir well
Add the lemon juice and continue stirring until well caramelized.
Once caramelized pour the mixture on a platter previously greased with a tablespoon of butter to avoid sticking. Flatten the mixture with a wooden roller. Once the dough kneaded, cut it into pieces.
When warm, separate it from the platter using a wet spatula. Wrap the separated pieces with kitchen foil.
Uses of palanqueta: Palanqueta can be served as dessert or a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack.
More information on peanut.