Properties of yogurt mixed with oats
What does oatmeal provide?
Yogurt with oatmeal and fruits
Oatmeal is a very complete cereal that is regaining importance due to its high nutritional value and because it has been observed that its consumption could go well to treat some health conditions:
- It is one of the richest cereals in proteins.
- It contains a lot of fiber, both soluble and insoluble, which helps regulate intestinal transit and prevents constipation.
- Because of its fiber and protein content, the carbohydrates in oats are absorbed gradually, without causing hyperglycemia or uncontrolled sugar.
- It provides B vitamins (except B12), which have energetic and tonic functions of the nervous system.
- It is also a good source of folic acid, important for anemia and for pregnancy.
What does yogurt bring me?
The properties of oatmeal complement perfectly with yogurt:
- Yogurt contains probiotics, healthy bacteria for the intestinal flora, which will proliferate thanks to the fiber of oats.
- It provides satiety when weight loss plans are followed, it helps with weight control.
- The yogurt’s proteins further slow down the absorption of oat’s carbohydrates, which results in better control of sugar levels. These characteristics make it ideal for obesity and diabetes.
- The combination provides a lot of calcium and vitamin B12, essential for the growth of children and students; and also for osteoporosis.
Yogurt with oats to supplement the treatment of diseases
Yogurt with oatmeal and a banana
- In weight loss diets, during winter season and stress situations, because yogurt with oats increases the immune system and prevents to be cold.
- It is a perfect breakfast for children and students, which will give them energy, help their mental concentration and their growth.
- For diabetes, it has an average glycemic load that, in adequate rations, supposes a contribution of excellent complex carbohydrates.
- Yogurt with oats is recommended for people who eat little vegetables, because its content in probiotics and fiber prevents intestinal diseases and colon cancer.
* Related information: Characteristics of yogurt and its benefits
More information on oats.
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.