Nettle soup properties

Health benefits of nettle soup



How to prepare nettle soup

Nettles soup photo

Nettles soup photo

  • Wash the nettles with the protection of some gloves to avoid the stinging effect on the skin.
  • Cut the onion into cubes and fry with olive oil and a pinch of salt.
  • Wash the zucchini and cut into cubes.
  • Add the zucchini and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Add the nettles and reserve a bunch of fresh nettles, to be added to the end of cooking.
  • Add 2 cups of water, salt, and cover. Cook for 20 minutes.
  • Add the fresh nettle leaves, cook them for 2 minutes, and grind all the soup. This step brings a different flavor to the recipe: freshness besides lighter green colour.
  • Optionaly add cheese.
  • Serve as a main dish.

Properties of nettle soup

nettle soup instructions

Nettles soup photo

Nettle soup is a nutritious and healthy recipe because of its high mineral content. Nettle is a purifying plant, it provides high doses of potassium that help remove excess fluid from the body.

Because of these properties, it is especially convenient for those who suffer from uric acid, arthritis or edema.

It also provides digestive qualities favoring stimulation of bile production by the liver. Increased bile contributes not only to an increased digestion of food, but to a decrease in cholesterol levels since this facilitates its removal from the body.

All this helps to reduce congestion of the liver, preventing diseases of this organ, such as hepatitis or liver failure.

It is a source of healthy fats because nettle and extra virgin olive oil contain omega 3 and omega 6. These fats have anti-inflammatory effect, which may help treat premenstrual symptoms in women, especially if there is pain.

It is highly recommended when obesity or hypertension, because minerals and chlorophyll benefit the cardiovascular system, helping the health of the arteries and activating circulation.

In weight loss plans, nettle soup is ideal because it provides few calories and diuretic components help to eliminate toxins from the body.

We can not forget the wealth in beta carotene and folic acid that leafy greens like nettles contain, which makes them very suitable during pregnancy, for skin care, people in old age, and in general, in all diet balanced vegetarian diets, cleansing diets, etc.

*Related information: How to cook nettles

punto rojoMore information about wild plants in the kitchen.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

11 May, 2024

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