What is French meringue?
” French meringue ” or simply ” meringue ” is the most used among all the meringues. It is the one people consider as “usual meringue”.
Ingredients and utensils
– 4 eggs. Better choose big ones and not recently fresh eggs, for a few days eggs can be beaten best. Must be at room temperature.
– Salt: It helps to beat the egg whites.
– 225 g of powdered sugar. Normal sugar can not produce adequate meringue. This type of sugar caramelizes and gums pasta.
– 1 whisk -shaped balloon
– 1 tablespoon metal
– 1 bowl of china or crystal
The tools must be very clean and dry.
Preparation: How do you prepare the meringue paste?
– Crack an egg in half, hitting it against the edge of a plate.
– Open the egg through the crack separating the two sides as the clear is dropped on a glass or china bowl beneath it. This bowl must be very clean and dry for the egg whites get stiff well.
– To clear all the white and leave the yolk aside, pass the yolk from half shell to the other half shell, while the egg white ends falling on the plate.
– Repeat the process with the rest of the eggs. It is important that not egg yolk can appear within the the egg white, since these will not permit the eggs white to become still. If you find a fragment, remove it with a metal spoon.
– Add a little salt to the egg whites. Salt makes it smoother.
– Save the yolks aside for use in other dishes. (You can enter in a glass and cover with water to keep better. Place it in the coldest part of the refrigerator. You can keep up to 4 days maximum)
– Tilt the container in the opposite direction to our body and, with the help of a whisk, go removing the egg whites from the bottom up in a fast broad movement, circular and rhythmic.
– As we go on beating the egg white, we let air go into it, so that it becomes more dense and compact. We will know that the egg white is already well beaten because you can pick a piece of it without unraveling. It is said that is ready when it ” forms stiff peaks”. In Spanish, this correct texture for the egg white to be well beaten is called ” A punto de nieve” (= similar to snow falling texture) It is so called because it is a type of texture that resembles freshly fallen snow: white and frothy.
– We test to see if it is well beaten: We take a spoonful of it and, if it stands firm, it is well done.
– Once the egg whites beaten, add 100 g of sugar and beat slowly with balloon whisk for about 3 minutes so that the sugar is well dissolved.
– We will add the remaining sugar with a metal spoon, we will mix all well.
How to cooking the meringue
Once prepared the meringue, it should be cooked quickly so as not to deflate.
– If we want the dough to be soft, we will cook it to elevated temperature for 5 minutes.
– If we want to be very crisp, we will put the oven on medium heat for half an hour
– If we want to have a harder texture (hard meringue), we will put the oven at a low temperature for 2 or 3 hours.
What is the meringue used for?
With the meringue different preparations can be made as follows:
– Meringue paper pattern: The most common way to eat the meringue in Spain. Meringues are presented in the form of coiled cap inside a paper mold.
To make these meringues, take the meringue batter into a pastry bag and enter the meringue into the mold of paper. Then, bake it.
Other recipes of meringue:
* Related information:
– Egg yolk
More recipes and information about eggs.