Macadamia nuts recipes
- 300g. wheat flour
- 200g. butter
- 250g. brown sugar
- 120g. raw macadamia nuts without salt. This recipe can also be used caramelized macadamia nuts.
- 100g. white chocolate
- 1 vanilla bean
- Orange zest
- Pinch of salt
Photo of caramelized macadamia nuts, as they can be found in the market.
- Chop the macadamia nuts and white chocolate chunks, similar in size between them.
- Melt the butter in a double boiler, with vanilla, to give it taste.
- Mix in a bowl the sugar with the butter until soft dough.
- Sift the flour over the mixture to form a dough.
- Add the orange zest to taste.
- Add a pinch of salt.
- Mix the dough with the chocolate chips and macadamia nuts.
- Preheat oven to 180 º C.
- In a greased baking paper, spread the cookies with the help of a spoon. If the dough is not strong enough, we can add some more flour.
- Bake in oven at 175 º C for 1518 minutes.
- Let it cool and serve.
Nutritional comment
This is a recipe rich in refined sugars and calories, totally contraindicated for people with diabetes.
In balanced rations, it is a recipe for a healthy and varied diet. The effect on the body will be energizing and enjoyable, as the macadamia nut blends perfectly with white chocolate. However, nothing will excuse us to walk to balance this cake intake and burn the daily calories.
More recipes and information about macadamia nuts.
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.