Pears cream recipe

How to prepare pears with ginger


Ingredients of pear cream for four people

– 6 medium pears

– 1 lemon

– 1 yogurt

– 2 eggs

Ginger Powder

– Ginger in syrup

– Jelly


How to prepare pears cream

– Peel the pears and cut them into pieces.

– Squeeze a lemon and save the juice and skin.

– Place a saucepan on the fire with a couple of liters of water. Add the pears, and the lemon rind. Add one pinch of powdered ginger and three pieces of candied ginger. Let simmer for a quarter of an hour, stirring the mixture a few times.

– Separate the three pieces of candied ginger and divide into pieces.

– Separate the pears. Mix with the lemon juice and the yogurt and mash everything until obtaining a homogenous puree.

– In a cup pour two tablespoons of water and 15 g of gelatin. Place in the water bath until the gelatin is undone.

– Add the gelatine to the pear puree. Leave aside to thicken.

– Open the eggs and separate the egg whites. Beat them. Once they are about to snow, add them to the above puree.

– Place the cream in glass glasses and decorate them with the pieces of ginger candied.

– Put the cups in the refrigerator to cool.

How to serve pears cream

Serve it cold as dessert

*More information:

Lemon edible properties

Lemon juice properties

Is lemon alkaline or acidic?

Lemon for weight loss

Lemon on an empty stomach

Infusion of lemon and honey

Pear mousse with ginger

– Pears with chocolate recipe

punto rojo More recipes and information on lemon

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 May, 2024

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"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.