Curcuma longa recipes
Ingredients for preparing brown rice
- 1 cup brown rice
- 2 and half cups water
- Salt
- Optional: Add 1 tablespoon turmeric to color the rice and add the benefits of turmeric, among which its antioxidant, protecting the liver and digestive properties.
- Oil
Preparation of rice and cooking time
Presentation of brown rice.
- Wash the rice with water, then drain.
- In a pot, put the rice in boiling water with a pinch of salt.
- When the water starts to boil, reduce heat to medium intensity.
- Rice cooking time is about 25-35 minutes to cook. It is important not to uncover the pot continuously, to prevent water vapor from escaping.
- If you respect the ratio of 1 cup rice 2 of water, it should not be necessary to strain it because this is the right water to be cooked.
- Add a splash of oil and stir.
- It can be cooled to keep it in the refrigerator for 2 days.
Cooked whole rice. Since the right amount of water has been used, it is not necessary to strain
How to serve it
Serve with a little oil, salt and herbs. You can also combine with curry sauce, accompanying rice with vegetables, etc.
More information about turmeric recipes and properties.
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.