Gnocchi pesto properties

Benefits and recipe of gnocchi pesto

Properties of gnocchi

This is a very energetic and nutritious recipe. It primarily provides carbohydrates, from gnocchi and healthy fats from the extra virgin olive oil and pine nuts.

This is an excellent contribution plate with a long absorption of carbohydrates, which give us sustained energy and satiety, preventing us to crave for food. This energy also provides an energy reserve food for athletes before competition (take at least 4 hours prior to exercise chewing it very well), especially athletes performing marathons or resistance exercises.

Pine nuts are the dried fruit with most protein and high in essential fatty acids. Very suitable for people who need energy, people who want to gain weight or people with anemia, as they are an ideal supplement of iron, vitamins and minerals.

Whom is gnocchi good for?

It is an ideal dish for the diet of children, students, youth, athletes, adults and people with stress.

We should moderate its intake in case of obesity.


gnocchi au pestoPhoto of gnocchi au pesto

Ingredients of gnocchi recipe

  • Homemade gnocchi or from the supermarket (fresh pasta section).* Related Recipe: Making gnocchi.

How to make pesto sauce

Ingredients for gnocchi seasoning

  • 60g. Parmesan cheese

Preparation of gnocchi pesto

  • Place in a blender container all pesto ingredients.
  • Blend until a thin paste.
  • The cheese can be added to the end or the pesto dish.
  • Boil the gnocchi for 2 minutes.
  • Remove from water with a slotted spoon and serve on a plate.
  • Place the pesto and cheese.
  • Garnish with fresh basil leaves.

* Related information: Mediterranean diet characteristics.

punto rojoMore information on Mediterranean diet.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

24 July, 2024

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