Dandelion recipes
Ingredients of the quiche
- A good bunch of dandelion leaves (It is greatly reduced by boiling)
- A large cup of boiled brown rice (about 100 g. Crude brown rice)
- 2 leeks
- 1 zucchini
- 1 egg
- 100 ml. soy cream or heavy cream
- 50 g. of cheese, preferably dry
- A handful of fresh oregano leaves
- Shortcrust pastry for quiches (optional: it can be prepared without mass to make it lighter)
- Salt
- Olive oil
Preparation of quiche
Dandelion quiche after leaving the oven, decorated with some yellow flowers of dandelion
- Clean the dandelion and remove the toughest parts of leaves, petioles and older leaves.
- Boil the dandelion with salt about 10 minutes, drain well and cut it small, with the help of scissors.
- Cut the leeks and sauté them in the pan, about 10 minutes over medium heat.
- Add diced zucchini and oregano finely chopped.
- Let it cook a little more, and, when all is cooked, add the boiled rice.
- In a bowl, mix 1 beaten egg, soy cream and some cheese. Put this preparation aside. It will be the mass of the quiche.
- In a baking dish, well greased with oil, mix with the vegetables: the boiled dandelion, The fried vegetables and the rice. Mix all well with soy cream, the beaten egg and cheese.
- Add salt and pepper to taste, and cheese on top to grate it.
- Bake it, preferably in Bain Marie, for 45 minutes at 170 ° C.
Dandelion quiche. It has been prepared without breeze pasta, to be lighter.
How to serve it?
Serve as a main dish. To complete the nutritional properties of the recipe before or after the meal, we recommend taking some raw food, such as fruit, to provide vitamin C, as it is destroyed by cooking, so we can only get from raw vegetables.
Properties of the quiche
This quiche is an excellent source of fiber, magnesium and beta-carotene from dandelion leaves, combined with healthy energy from complex carbohydrates from brown rice, and minerals such as calcium from cheese.
Dandelion is a very healthy plant for the liver because it contains principles that protect it and promote its functions. For the same reason, it is a very suitable plant for obesity, as its choleretic and cholagogue properties will help expel the bile cholesterol.
It also contains a lot of potassium, so it is a great diuretic plant, which stimulates the production of urine. These properties are well known, to the point that its common name in Catalan is ‘ pixallits ‘ or French ‘ pissenlit ‘ that literally translated mean “bed-wetter.” Its consumption is adequate to remove liquids or toxins, fluid retention, weight loss, gout, arthritis, etc..
Logically, the high fiber content of the recipe stimulates intestinal transit and helps to cure constipation.
For its content in beta carotene, helps improve skin health and vision. Calcium and magnesium are adequate to prevent bone problems like osteoporosis.
It should be eaten in moderation when problems of high cholesterol, because of its high cholesterol content in the cheese and the milk cream. However, it is perfectly compatible with a balanced diet, since fiber counteracts part of this fat.
More recipes and information on dandelion.