Celery and artichokes recipes plenty of fiber
How to make a salad rich in fiber and vitamin C
Fresh vegetables are rich in vitamin C, which is destroyed by heat (in baking, for example). Therefore, salads are a good source of antioxidant vitamins and phytochemicals that help maintain the health of our body.
The following salad is rich in fiber, especially artichokes. Fiber is a unique component of the plant world, and our body needs to maintain intestinal health, which is the center of the body’s immunity.
A diet rich in fiber helps to purify and cleanse the intestines. It is ideal in spring, when we want to clean the “excesses” of Winter (Christmas parties, celebrations, etc..). Its components help prevent cholesterol, atherosclerosis, colon cancer and provide us satiety not to feel the need to take a snack.
The following salad is a perfect dish for low-fat diets.
- Tender artichokes.
- Green onions
- Tomatoes
- A branch of celery
- Lemon juice
- Oregano
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Pinch of salt
Photo of celery salad with tomatoes and onion
- Cut the tomatoes into large wedges
- Cut the onion into half moons
- Place tomato decoratively on the base. Season with fresh or dried oregano.
- Clean the artichokes and withdraw tougher leaves. Cut the beak and tail (woody parts).
- Cut the artichokes into wedges and throw a few drops of lemon juice so they do not darken.
- Place the onion, we have cut it in half moons and placed them on the salad
- Wash the celery and cut the stem into pieces over the salad. Do the same with the leaves.
* Related information: Foods rich in fiber
More recipes and information on celery