Ingredients for 4:
- Peel the cassava and cut it into slices and wash it with water.
- Place the cassava in a saucepan and cover it with water. Add a tablespoon of lemon.
- Bring to the boil, turn the heat to low and simmer for 25 minutes.
- Strain cassava through a sieve and let it cool on a plate. Discard the water.
- Cut it into slices in half and remove the fibrous center.
- Place olive oil in a skillet and heat to maximum.
- Insert the cassava chips so they are well covered by the oil and fry for about 5 minutes.
Method of serving
Serve hot on a dish over some paper towels to absorb the excess of oil. Garnish with lemon slices and salt as desired.
Other cassava recipes
– Brussels sprouts with cassava
– Cassava with sorghum porridge
More information about cassava
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.