Fatty sauce properties

Tarragon recipes


Fatty sauce properties

Fatty sauces are generally rejected by most people because they are considered unsuitable for health. Besides, following the actual slimming trend, they are supposed to provide us with to many calories.

Some sauces, such as bearnaise sauce could be included within these consideration, so we are going to study its properties to see if the general opinion has to be taken into account.

What is bearnaise sauce?

tarragonThe bearnaise sauce is a traditional French sauce, which derives from the hollandaise sauce. This sauce is named after the region of Bearn, France, where it first developed.

It consists of an emulsified sauce, that’s to say, it contains a fatty base (egg yolk, butter), an acid (acetic acid, vinegar) and herbs (tarragon, chervil and shallots).

In the traditional cuisine, it is is used to accompany meat and fish and to flavor dishes with egg and some vegetable preparations.

Other sauces derive from it, as Choron sauce (with tomato sauce) and Foyot sauce (with meat jelly).

What gives us the bearnaise sauce?

Nutritionally speaking, as all the fatty sauces, this type of preparation is very high in saturated fats, from butter and eggs, primarily. Being a fatty seasoning, bring us a lot of energy, because fat is the most calorie nutrient there.

But, fortunately, not everything that we highlight in fats are negative traits. Fats, as this type of sauce brings us, are the only natural source of fat-soluble vitamins. These types of vitamins are essential for the proper development of the individual and must be supplied by food.

Main components of bearnaise sauce

The bearnaise sauce contains:

All foods, including fatty sauces, fit into a healthy eating plan, when consumed in moderation.It should be added that, when we talk about diet, we must understand not only nutrition, but food a a fundamental related sensory pleasure, tradition and food culture of different regions.

It is important for our diet to be balanced, that’s to say, it must cover all food in healthy portions, nice and varied. And in that sense, sauces can be an excellent condiment to achieve our full and nice food.

Fat sauces please the palate and also have satiating power because fat slows gastric emptying and adds fullness.

We invite you to prepare this sauce and enjoy with sensual, cultural and gastronomic pleasure !


punto rojo More information on tarragon properties and medicinal uses

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 February, 2024

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