A good salad for a pregnant woman

Properties of salad with avocado corn, onions and cheese

This corn salad is a refreshing, energetic and nutritious dish. It provides energy from carbohydrates, with all the benefits of fiber, healthy fats from avocado, and potent antioxidant foods like peppers.

salad with corn, onion, tomato, mozzarella, peppers, cucumber and avocadoPhoto of salad with corn, onion, tomato, mozzarella, peppers, cucumber and avocado

This recipe is ideal as a main course in summer. It provides quality energy, which is gradually absorbed, allowing us to study, work or spend the afternoon doing activities without being hungry between meals.

We can highlight corn that, apart from its contribution of carbohydrates, is one of the richest foods rich lutein, an important flavonoid for vision health.

Like all salads, it is a recipe rich antioxidants, for the large amount of vitamin E that avocado provides and vitamin C from vegetables, especially pepper (one of the richest foods in vitamin C).

It is a highly recommended prescription in any balanced diet, especially in pregnancy (high in folic acid), people with poor circulation, uric acid (gout), hypertension, dermatitis, stress or fatigue.


Photo of corn saladPhoto of corn salada

Ingredients for corn salad

  • Boiled corn (maize)
  • A quarter of sliced ​​mozzarella cheese.
  • 2 peppers, green and yellow, cut into matchsticks
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 onion, cut into strips
  • 1 courgette
  • Half a squeezed lemon
  • Virgin olive oil (or not refined vegetable oil)
  • Salt

How to prepare corn salad

  • Once we have already cooked maize (corn), we only to carefully prepare all the vegetables for the salad:
  • Cut the zucchini vertically and crosswise, and then pieces lengthwise. Blanch for 3 minutes and drain them in very cold water.
  • We remove the seeds from the tomatoes and cut them into cubes.
  • Cut the onion and peppers into thin slices.
  • Choose a ripe avocado. Then with a knife cut into cubes and pulp with a spoon it is empty.
  • Add the cheese and remaining ingredients, season with a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil
  • We keep the salad in the fridge to eat it quite cool.

It is a right recipe in any balanced diet.

punto rojo More information on recipes on avocado

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

3 September, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.