Common vervain
Photo of Verbena officinalis L.
Verbena officinalis L. – (Common vervain)Perennial plant of the Verbenaceae family up to 75 cm in height. Erect stems with internodes very far apart, with four well-marked angles. Branches opposite, each pair attached to the stem forming a V. Leaves opposite, the lower rhomboid, very divided with lobes that almost reach the midrib, obes divided, toothed. Few upper leaves very small, sessile, with fewer divisions. Very small flowers of lilac pink in spikes of about 8 to 12 cm in length. Each flower, about 4 to 5 mm in length, with the corolla nearly twice as long as the calyx, bilabiate, with five flat lobes and short tube. Both the calyx and the corolla hairy. Each flower has 4 fruit in nut, reddish-brown with well-marked ribs. By the side of roads and highways, uncultivated land or grassland between 0-1500 meters. Abundant throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa in soils with some moisture. Naturalized in America. |
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