Starry clover
Photo of Trifolium stellatum L.
Trifolium stellatum L. – (Starry clover)Annual herbaceous plant of the pea family -papilionaceae- up to 25 cm. Stems erect, very hairy. Upper leaves short-stalked; lower ones long stalked. Trifoliate with inverted heart-shaped leaflets. Flowers pink, more infrequently white or yellow, in long stalked inflorescences. Calyx almost as long as the corolla, thickly downy, remembering a star because of the disposition and opening of the calyx- teeth, when completely opened. In dry spots, stony places and sandy lanes. |
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This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.