Hairy woundwort
Photo of Stachys ocymastrum
Stachys ocymastrum (L.) Briq. / Stachys hirta L. – (Hairy woundwort)Perennial herb of the mint family -labiatae- up to 90 cm. Erect stems usually hairy. Upper leaves unstalked, base ones petoliated, toothed. Flowers grouped in verticils 4- 6. Corolla ⅓ longer than the calyx, which is very hairy, spine- toothed. Corolla till 1,5 cm, upper lip white, down yellow. In paths, dry uncultivated lands. |
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This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.