Horse mint
Photo de Mentha longifolia
Mentha longifolia = Mentha sylvestris – (Biblical mint, horsemint) Perennial herb of the Mint family – labiatae – up to 1 m. Very strong smell. Erect stems. It distinguishes easily from the rest of the mints because of its leaves covered with a silvery pilosity, lanceolate, until 9 cm long, sessile. Rose or lilac flowers in compact spikes until 10 cm long. Pubescent calyx and protruding stamens. It blooms from July to September. In grassy humid places, beside currents, or even in the water. It can grow up until 2000 meters of altitude. |
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This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.