Sea fennel
Photo of Crithmum maritimum L.
Crithmum maritimum L. – (Sea fennel)Herb with thick rhizomes that can form clumps up to 1.2 meters long. Stems long, thick, flexible and slightly branched, glaucous green as the leaves. Growth close to the ground, rarely reaches heights of over 70 centimeters. Leaves fleshy, perennial and glaucous green. Leaves divided, 1-2 or 3 pinnatisect, with three acute segments, with strong lemony scent and are used in food. The taste reminds the common fennel, which takes its common name. Inflorescence umbel-shaped. The plant can develop several umbels on the same branch, although the terminal umbels are more developed. Each has between 5 and 15 bracts, which end in umbellules (umbels smaller) where the flowers grow. |
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