Photos of green tea



Tea plantation ( Camellia sinensis)

Photography of tea plantation in Deniyaya (Sri Lanka)

Green tea shoot ( Camellia sinensis)

Photography of tea shoot

Leaves of green tea ( Camellia sinensis)

Leaves of green tea

Landscape of green tea fields in the middle of the jungle, in the province of Deniyaya (Sri Lanka)

Landscape of green tea fields in the middle of the jungle, in the province of Deniyaya (Sri Lanka)

Green tea flower ( Camellia sinensis)

Photo of green tea flower

Photography Tea fruit. The fruit is used for its seeds, to reproduce the plant. ( Camellia sinensis)

Photography of tea fruit. The fruit is used for its seeds, to reproduce the plant

Photography of women working in traditional tea harvest.

Photography of women working in traditional tea harvest. In their heads they wear tied the bag where they put the tea leaves they collect.


Picture of tea with green tea leaves

Related information on green tea:

Green tea characteristics

Green tea elaboration

Green tea differences with black tea

Green tea benefits

Green tea contraindications

Green tea side effects

Green tea toxicity

Green tea to lose weight

punto rojo More information on tea.

This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

30 August, 2024

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"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.