Is wheat germ oil good for circulation?
Wheat germ oil has a vasodilator and antiaggregant effect. That is, it increases the volume of blood vessels and fluidizes the blood.
All this contributes to better blood circulation, preventing the appearance of thrombi in the arteries that produce poor circulation
Why is wheat germ oil good for the heart?

Because of its vitamin E content, in addition to its antioxidant properties that keep veins and arteries in good condition, wheat germ oil is good for the heart because, by diluting the blood, it contributes to the heart not having to perform a such a great effort to boost blood through the blood vessels.
How much wheat germ oil will we need for the heart to be more protected?
With a large tablespoon a day, which is about 10ml of wheat germ oil, you can meet the needs of vitamin E.
Some applications of wheat germ oil
– Wheat germ oil to increase fertility
– Wheat germ oil for hair health
More information on wheat germ oil