Wholegrain bread properties
Characteristics of brownbread
The best bread for our diet is brown bread, which is made from whole grains, that is to say, those grains that have not been refined. The refining process is aimed at the development of white flour, which, unfortunately, are more attractive for the buyer, but with less food property.
To be “whitened”, cereals are subjected to a process that involves removing the outer layers of the grain by scraping the back with a grinding of steel. In addition to these layers also removes the germ, rich in essential oils, with the aim of achieving a less flour rancidity over time.
Brown bread against white bread
This process turns what was “very rich traditional brownbread”, with many vitamins, proteins, fiber, minerals, fats, enzymes, in an exclusively rich product in “empty calories”, that turn out interesting to contribute energy but without the advantages of the rest of components that owned the integral bread.
In addition, the manufacturing process of the current white bread, comprises a series of changes to the “traditional method” that change the natural characteristics that made the bread a balanced product. For example, formerly, the fermentation of dough was produced in a natural way, letting the yeast spontaneously over the dough.
Brown bread is a natural product with many vitamins, proteins, fiber, minerals, fats, enzymes. We should make sure to buy authentic whole wheat bread
Beware of nowadays bread quality
At present, this process is managed by selected yeasts that are faster than the old ones, but whose properties are very dubious food. Most bakery industries use chemicals to speed yeast fermentation.
In addition to flour, yeast and water, it should be borne in mind other ingredients can be added to the bread mass to improve its presence, taste, aroma, texture and preservation of bread: milk, vegetable or animal fats, sugars, salt, fruit, preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, etc. This makes current industrial white bread in a food product that has nothing to do with real bread.
Most brown bread is not real brown bread
It should also be considered that many which are known as “brown breads” have nothing to do with real brown bread.
Actually, a handful of bran bread is added to the dough, which may be useful as added fiber to combat constipation but no added bran contains all the properties that whole flour would have; within this bran there is nothing than was in the seed or germ of the whole grain.
Whole meal bread above all
Many types of brown bread are made with whole grain flour. We can buy brown bread in the bakeries, supermarkets or in food shops. We have to keep in mind that we should buy authentic whole bran bread and not bread prepared with refined flour to which a little bran has been added.
Fairs and markets are suitable places to buy quality breads in which wheat flour or other cereals are combined with seeds, dry fruits or herbs to offer very tasty and nutritious breads.
Different types of bread
Alternative products
In addition to bread, we can buy or prepare at home a number of other flour products that can be used as complements to the bread. Among them we can mention, for example:
- Cookies: Basically cookies are made with flour, sugar and water. The water content is less than the pan so they have a very high calorific value. Are very suitable for people who need to quickly regain strength (children, youth, athletes, workers who make great efforts, etc)
People who have a tendency to obesity, the diabetics or those who are on weight loss diets should be cautious in its consumption. There are many types of cookies (with chocolate, cream, fruit, etc.) We have to choose the products containing less artificial ingredients.
- Pasta: One of the most common ways of eating cereal is through pasta (noodles, spaghetti, macaroni, etc) pastes can be comprehensive or refined. All are made with flour, usually wheat, yeast, water and in many cases contain eggs. The pastas are rich in gluten because they are made from durum wheat flour. They are very digestive and energy. They need to be cooked in water to eat.
- Biscotti: These are dextrinated breads, ie twice cooked. This makes food more digestible than bread itself. As the water content is very low, have many calories in relation to their weight.
- Couscous: It is an original dish of North Africa made from semolina, ie parts of the grain of wheat ground. They are very typical dishes of couscous from Morocco, Algeria or Tunisia, although its use has spread to many parts of the world. When steamed, and has a very prominent food properties, being very rich in protein, minerals and carbohydrates and very low in fat.
More information on wheat
Related information: Wheat bran, Cultivation of wheat, How to make bread at home, Differences whole wheat bread and white bread