Artemisia absinthium toxicity
Toxic properties of Absinthe
Wormwood is a plant that must be taken with caution as it can be toxic by accumulation, hence it is advisable to limit its use to a maximum of 4 or 5 weeks. Its use should only be authorized and supervised by a doctor or specialist.
It should also be noted that this plant presents a series of contraindications
Essential oil of wormwood, because of its thujone content, is very toxic when ingested pure and should never be taken undiluted. Even diluted, it can be toxic by accumulation. This oil is considered to have narcotic, convulsant and abortive properties.
How is absinthe poisoning manifested?
Among the most characteristic symptoms of intoxication, there are the following:
- Vomiting
- Tremors
- Psychic and sensory disturbances
- Seizures
- In severe cases, paralysis and death.
Absinthe liqueur is manufactured with wormwood and other ingredients and is considered to be responsible for a syndrome of intoxication known as absenteeism.
It was assumed that this syndrome could cause serious behavioral and health problems to people who regularly consumed this liquor. Therefore, its use was banned in some countries for some time.
Is absinthe banned today?
At present, the ban has been lifted in most countries and the supposed absenteeism syndrome seems to have been an invention of the past. (More information on this subject can be found on the “Absinthe characteristics)
Absinthe is also the first ingredient of vermouth. In this case, since the concentration of thujone is very low, it is not considered toxic.
* Related information: Contraindications of wormwood.
More information on wormwood