Herbal remedies for warts
Characteristics of warts
A wart is a contagious skin disease consisting of a lump on the skin. It is produced by the action of a virus.
Symptoms of warts
The main symptoms of warts is the appearance of the bumps. They are usually painless.
Causes of warts
Warts are produced by viruses
Phytotherapy. Remedies for warts
Important note: These are very aggressive treatments by the abrasive nature of the components used. It is important to apply the treatments only on the affected area, protecting the rest of the healthy skin. Once the treatment applied, it should be covered with gauze and plaster preventing its contents to reach the healthy parts surrounding the affected area.
These treatments should not be used with children or sensitive skinned people to those they can easily produce skin ulcerations.
External use preparations to get rid of warts
– Garlic (Allium sativum) (Cataplasm of garlic clove on the affected area) See contraindications and method of use in the comprehensive study of the plant.
– Fig tree (Ficus carica) (We use the liquid or latex dripping when cutting a branch or a leaf. Soak the wart with it several times daily.)
– Sundew (Drosera spp.) (Apply the fresh plant on the skin).
– Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) (Apply the cabbage juice to the wart.)
– Celandine (Chelidonium majus) (Apply the celandine cream on the wart)
– Bananas (Musa paradisiaca) Remove the inside of the banana peel and rub it on the wart twice a week.
– Pineapple (Ananas comosum) The ability of bromelain from pineapple to dissolve proteins can be externally used for removing warts. This should done by means of applying a piece of pineapple peel on the wart so that the tender part of the pineapple peel gets into contact with the wart, without affecting the rest if healthy skin. Keep it there during the night. Remove it in the morning and wash with hot water.
– Heliotrope (Heliotropum europaeum) (Cataplasm of mashed fruits on the warts.)
More information about skin remedies.