Edible properties of walnuts
Walnuts take care of our heart and our skin

From and edible point of view, walnuts are extremely interesting for their vegetable polyunsaturated fats. Although, as the olive oil, they contain oleic acid (monounsaturated) which has proved very effective and reliable in the reduction of the levels of cholesterol in blood, their wealth in linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids (polyunsaturated) confer them more interesting properties to reduce this component and to prevent illnesses of the circulatory system that affect to our heart and arteries (arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, heart attack, etc.)
The habitual use of nuts in human feeding allows to reduce until a 50% the risk of suffering cardiovascular illnesses, as myocardial infarction or angina pectoris.
Recent studies have demonstrated a superior power to monounsaturated fats, such well-known as those contained in the olive oil, not only to reduce cholesterol, specially in what refers to low density cholesterol or LDL, but to increase the arterial elasticity, to prevent the formation of clots and to reduce high blood pressure.
This capacity to make blood more fluid is attributed to the transformation of the alpha-linoleic acid in prostaglandins, responsible of avoiding the appearance of atherosclerosis.
Eating nuts nuts about five times per week, instead of obtaining fat from of other animal sources, such as butter, animal meat or another food derived from it, is a good way to take care of our heart.
We must be careful not to eat to many of them

Nevertheless, we should not forget that nuts, as most of dry fruits, provide a very high quantity of calories (almost 700 for each 100 gr.) so that we cannot abuse of them in the event of obesity and one should always keep in mind the total amount that this group of food represents in the whole diet. The best thing to do is to consider them a way of substituting other not so healthy sources.
Used as such, nuts, for their content in healthy fats and serotonin, constitute a very appeasing means that contribute to avoid the sensation of hunger and cover the compulsive desire of “picking at something “. By doing this, nuts can helps us to prevent obesity.
Walnuts are antioxidant
Nuts constitute a good source of vitamin E with antioxidant properties, so they will be very effective to avoid the negative influence of free radicals in health. Besides taking care of the good state of our heart, they prevent the appearance of many illnesses. If we add to the vitamin E intake the small quantities of vitamin C nuts posses, they are ideal to detoxify our body.
The presence of zinc in nuts, together with their content in vitamin B and polyphenols, helps to maintain the good state of the skin, preventing some anomalies like eczema or avoiding it to become dry. Their content in zinc, together with their wealth in omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated acids, will help us to preserve the good health of our hair, favoring its growth and avoiding anomalies like seborrhea or baldness. Their content in copper also contributes to this property.
Walnuts are rich in calcium
Nuts contain a lot of calcium what makes them ideal to prevent osteoporosis and to maintain the bones in good state. They will be very appropriate for grown-ups who are likely to suffer decalcification, mainly in women during postmenopause, a period when they usually present more osseous tissue loss.
Walnuts for children and youth
Very interesting for infant and young people, since, because they contain lecithin and vitamin B, that are are very good to feed the brain and allow the students to have good results in their studies.
How to store walnuts? Precautions in their consumption.
- It is better to buy whole nuts without being peeled.
- They should be opened before eating and consumed quickly. In case you have to save, it is best to store them in a sealed container with appropriate conditions.
- Because of their content in polyunsaturated acids, they can not undergo the heat of cooking because their fats become toxic.
- Nor should eat when they are green because they contain cyanide.
- When they decompose, they develop aflatoxins which are cancerous. Those who may be allergic should also monitor their intake.
- Because its high content in oxalates, people suffering from a tendency to develop calcium-oxalate kidney stones or gallstones should avoid eating it.
Walnuts recipe: Walnuts cake with kefir, Red cabbage salad with walnuts
Composition of raw peeled nuts
Composition of raw peeled nuts per each 100 gr. | |
Water | 4 g |
Energy | 654 Kcal |
Fat | 65 g |
Protein | 15, 23 gr. |
Carbohydrates | 13, 7 g |
Fiber | 6,7 g |
Potassium | 441 mg |
Sodium | 2 mg |
Phosphorus | 346 mg |
Calcium | 98 mg |
Magnesium | 158 mg |
Iron | 2,9 mg |
Zinc | 3 mg |
Copper | 1,5 mg |
Vitamin C | 1, 3 mg |
Vitamin B1 | 0,34 mg |
Vitamin B2 | 0, 15 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0, 53 mg |
vitamin A | 41 IU |
Vitamin E | 2,9 mg |
Folacin | 98 mcg |
Niacin | 1,9 mg |
Source: USDA Nutrient Data Base
More information about walnuts.
The information given is informative. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
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