Is thyme poisonous?

Thyme is safe, in general, when used according to recommendations.
However, essential oil of thyme can be toxic orally, classified into, photo-toxic, irritant and narcotic oils.
What toxic components does thyme have?
Essential oil of thyme contains high concentrations of thymol and carvacrol, active ingredients of the plant that can be toxic (especially in children), cause allergic reactions and in high doses, it can be neurotoxic.
Precautions for the use of thyme
- Do not ingest essential thyme oil.
- Respect recommended doses.
- Consult with your qualified physician before:
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Digestive disorders. Dyspepsia or stomach pain, gastritis, irritable bowel, nausea, constipation, among others.
- Digestive diseases. Gastro-duodenal ulcer, enterocolitis, among others.
- Heart failure.
- Do not use this plant in case of hypersensitivity or allergy.
More information on thyme
This article was endorsed by Montserrat Enrich - Journalist specializing in edible wild plants and plant uses.