External use preparations with thyme plant
Remedies with thyme for external use

- Mouth: Having mouth disorders, as inflammations, wounds, bad breath (gargling with the preparation of an infusion of dried flowers in a liter of water)
- Muscular pain: For muscular pain, such as in muscular distensions,dislocations, muscular atrophy or multiple sclerosis apply a lotion on the painful area with oil of this plant. Fibromyalgia: Very useful as muscle relaxants (Rub the painful area with a mixture of 10 drops of their essential oils in two tablespoons of olive oil) (Add to bath water Infusion of 3 tablespoons of dried plant in a liter of water. Take a bath for 15 or 20 minutes)
- Backache or pain in the neck: Very useful as muscle relaxants in pain caused by stretching or straining too hard without prior preparation. (Rub the back or the cervicals with a mixture of 10 drops of essential oil in two tablespoons of olive oil. (Add 20 drops to bath water. Take a bath for 15 or 20 minutes) (Add to bath water the infusion of 3 tablespoons of dried plant in a liter of water. Take a bath for 15 to 20 minutes)
- Bad breath: In addition to combat bad breath, it is useful when problems arise in the mouth, such as inflammations or sores. (Rinses with the preparation of an infusion of dried flowers in a glass of water)
- Dental caries: (mouthwashes with the infusion of the flowers.)
- Cicatrizant – antiseptic- natural antibiotic: Clean the wounds with the liquid resulting from a heavy infusion of floral summits three or four times a day) . This is very useful for the treatment cuts, punctures, scratches, chafing or any type of wounds.
Very useful for scars, thyme is ideal for combating bacterial infections or prevent their occurrence. It is also very appropriate for acne, preventing some signs of it, such as pimples, to be infected causing pustules. Some bacterial eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis or stye, can be treated in the same way.
A syrup can be made with chamomile and thyme to aid wounds cicatrization. (More information about syrup to favor wound healing) soaked in this liquid on the eyes.
- Inflammation of the eyes: It helps to eliminate the eye infections that produce affections (Make an infusion with a tablespoon of flowering sums per glass of water. Apply a cold compress on the stye)
- Food odor: (Decoction for ¼ hour of 100 g of dried plant per liter of water. Make a foot bath with this liquid warm. Rinse with cold water thoroughly dry and sprinkle talcum powder.)
- Black or purple nails: Make an infusion of whole dry plant. Dip the purple or black fingernail or toenail to reduce inflammation and prevent your nail to become black, bluish or purple.
- Ingrown nails: It has anti-perspirant and anti-bacterial properties, making it well suited to combat germs that can cause burning in feet or prevent excessive sweating, which could create an environment suitable for growth of microorganisms. (Decoction for quarter of an hour of 100 gr. of dried plant per liter of water. Make a foot bath with warm water. Rinse with cold water. Dry thoroughly and sprinkle talcum powder on them.)
Illustration of the remedy with thyme described in the text to cure genital infections, anal fissures and hemorrhoids Irritations and genital infections: Thyme is a powerful antiseptic and with properties against infections by bacteria, candida and other fungi. Baths with thyme water help relieve itching and fight infection. Concentrated infusion of 3 teaspoons of dry plant per half liter of water Allow to cool, strain and make a bath 1 or even 3 times a day Dry the area after the bath and use clean clothes) (Do not use essential oil in genital areas) This remedy is also useful for hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
- Antiseptic of the skin: It is adequate to prevent the wounds to become infected. It is applied to superficial wounds, cuts, sores, ulcers and injuries as healing and antiseptic. (Infusion 3 tablespoons of dry plant per half liter of water. Cool, strain and apply compress).
To improve the treatments can be accompanied by natural aloe gel or vegetable oils for the skin, which are skin friendly remedies and better tolerated than irritating cosmetic creams. Attention! In case of infected wounds or fever, consult a doctor !!
- Gums bleeding: (Mouthwashes with the infusion of whole plant)
*See: How to make thyme infusion and properties / Benefits of rosemary and thyme infusion
Thyme baths for tired and sore feet
Due to its antiperspirant and bacteriostatic properties, it is well suited to prevent the proliferation of germs that can cause burning in the feet or avoid excess sweating which could create a suitable medium for the proliferation of microorganisms.
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How to make a thyme footbath
In this sense, this plant can be considered as a good natural antibiotic. (Decoction for ¼ of an hour of 100 g of dry plant per liter of water) Make a foot bath with warm water. Rinse with cold water, dry well and sprinkle talcum powder on your feet.
Other thyme remedies in external use
- Relaxing and very soft sleeping remedy: In situations of tiredness or general heaviness you can apply a relaxing bath by adding a good infusion of thyme flowers in your bath.
- Mouth: When problems appear in the mouth, such as inflammation, sores, pyorrhea, cavities or bad breath (Gargling with the preparation of an infusion of dried flowers in a liter of water)
- Skin healer and antiseptic: Wash the wounds with a well-infused floriferous tops three or four times a day.
- Antiperspirant: Can be used to combat excessive sweating of hands or feet. (Decoction of 100 grams of dry plant for ¼ of an hour per liter of water Wash hands and feet) (With dry and ground plant sprinkle hands or feet and keep dust on them 3 hours)
- Mosquito repellent: Having alcohols and essential oils (specially carvacrol that has an industrial use as disinfectant and fungicide) it can be considered together with basil a good mosquito repellent, so that you can have it at home, placing it on a windowsill, in order to these insects not to approach so much to houses.
*Related information:
Thyme and ginger infusion properties
More information on thyme