What components of tea have slimming properties?
Tea is a slimming drink that can help you lose weight:
– Caffeine: Caffeine (= theine) is a natural stimulant of metabolism, which helps burning body fat.
– Catechins: They are tea components, which are mostly found in green tea (epigallocatechin gallate), with slimming or thermogenic properties that enhance the effect of caffeine in addition to their antioxidant effects.
– Minerals: Tea minerals, such as potassium or magnesium , contribute with their diuretic properties that help the body to eliminate fluids and toxins. These components increase the potential of red tea as an ally in cleansing diets.
– Tannins: Tea tannins do not have slimming properties, but they help prevent cravings because they regulate the absorption of caffeine, which will get the same stimulant effects of caffeine, without causing anxiety or nervousness.
What are the best teas for weight loss?
Green tea and red tea are the most suitable types of tea to lose weight, because they have a high antioxidant content, plus a similar caffeine content and diuretic minerals.
The types of tea recommended for slimming are:
– Red Pu – Erh Tea: This tea is the most recommended for weight loss diets.
– Gyokuro tea: This is a Japanese green tea, which contains more caffeine and catechins. It is considered the best quality green tea. Some types of Gyukuro even contain more caffeine than some black teas.
– Gunpowder Tea: Green tea from China quality. It contains high doses of catechins and moderate caffeine intake.
– Ceylon Tea: Green tea from Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) has an exquisite flavor and provides caffeine and catechins. Most Ceylon teas are black, although green teas produced there are high quality since they are cultivated in high areas (High grown tea). Ceylon green teas can be difficult to find.
– Tie- Kuan -Yin tea: This is actually a semi-fermented tea, but has undergone a short fermentation, thus retaining all green tea slimming properties.
Individuals sensitive to the effects of caffeine, those whom tea excites too much, can use a low-caffeine tea as Kukicha tea.
Green Tea or Red Tea for a slimming diet?
Between these two types of teas, we would choose red tea, because it almost has so many antioxidants as green tea, but it is more stimulating because during the fermentation process, more caffeine is released.
Is black tea good for slimming?
Black tea is the kind of tea with more caffeine. Like coffee, the risk of taking too much caffeine drinks all day is that it can cause anxiety, insomnia, nervousness or food cravings.
More information about tea.