Characteristics of Formosa Oolong tea?
Oolong tea , blue tea or Pouchong tea is a kind of semi-fermented tea produced in the island of Formosa (Taiwan).
Oolong tea is produced similarly to black tea, although in this case, fermentation is interrupted, resulting in a less oxidized tea and not as strong as black tea in flavor.
Originally, Oolong tea began to be cultivated in the province of Fujian, China. However, in Formosa (now Taiwan) it produces a high quality tea that it is highly prized for its flavor. For this reason, the Oolong tea is also known as Formosa Oolong Tea .
China Oolong tea is called Tie-Kuan-Yin tea, a little fermented tea with antioxidant properties superior to Formosa Oolong tea and similar to green tea, that has a lighter color than Formosa Oolong tea.

Formosa Oolong tea infusion features
– It contains more caffeine than green tea (although less than black tea), making it suitable for a stimulating drink taken in the morning or noon.
– The infusion is red or orange, and has hints of fruity flavor, softer than black tea.
How to take Formosa Oolong tea?
Formosa Oolong tea is taken as an infusion:
– Temperature: This type of tea should infuse at 85 º C.
– Rest of the infusion: 3-4 minutes with lid.
– Time of day: Morning, noon or evening. Due to its moderate caffeine content, it should not be taken at night.
The water temperature should never exceed 95 º C, that is to say, without letting it come to the boil. Hot water for a predetermined time period, makes the removal of the substances of tea leaves, which remain in the water, and when we drink it, these components provide us the beneficial effects to our body.
* More information: Oolong tea properties
More information about tea.