Medicinal plants for swimmer’s ear

Herbal treatment of otitis externa

Phytotherapy: Medicinal plants for otitis externa

The phytotherapy for treating swimmer’s ear is based on the use of a number of plants with the following purposes:

Germicide plants that are able to get rid of the germs that cause infection:

Plants that create a layer that prevents moisture from remaining in the ear.

Medicinal plant remedies for swimmer’s ear

The most interesting plants for these purposes are:

Olive (Olea europea L.) It can contribute to eliminate microorganisms. On the other hand, it protects the ear against excessive moisture. (Gently soak your ear with a few of cotton impregnated with olive oil, especially before entering the water.)

Elder (Sambucus nigra) It has bactericidal properties (Apply the vapor resulting from the decoction of a handful of dried flowers. Dry properly after use) (More information about the vaporization method in the general study of the plant)

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) It also has bactericidal properties (Apply the vaporization method with eucalyptus leaves. Dry properly using the previous method)



White dead-nettle (Lamium album) Because of its bactericidal properties, the leaves of white dead-nettle can be used in the same way.

punto rojo More information about swimmer’s ear.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

13 May, 2019

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.