Herbal remedies for striae
Phytotherapy: Medicinal plants preparations for stretch marks
The primary role of phytotherapy in the treatment of stretch marks involves using a number of plants with the following objectives:
– Emollient plants, that provide components that help keep the skin more flexible and less dry, by adding more water and more fat. They are a cheap alternative to commercial cosmetics containing collagen.
– Plants that stimulate tissue to regenerate the affected area.
External use remedies with medicinal plants for stretchmarks
– Grape (Vitis vinifera) Used externally, Grape is a very interesting cosmetic for the protection and beautification of the skin, because it is one of the best moisturizers, so that it can hydrate and recover the skin from the effects of dryness. (The pulp of this fruit spread on the striae as a mask for 20 or 30 minutes is a good resource to help them go away or prevent their formation)
– Carrot (Daucus carota) Carrots can be used to cure skin problems like eczema, wounds or sunburn. It is useful to mitigate the destructive action of ultraviolet rays, a reason why it takes part in the composition of many sunscreens. A mask of carrot pulp for half an hour also favors the smoothness of the skin.
– Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Being rich in silicon, horsetail treatments are effective in the treatment of stretch marks, especially those of newer generation. Silicon helps regenerate the skin making the stretch marks disappear in many cases or giving them a smoother appearance. (Maceration of 100 g of horsetail with 8 drops of lemon juice in one liter of alcohol at 40 º for 1 month. Dilute with water to 50% and massage the affected areas twice a day)
– Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) Rich in alantolin, tannins and mucilage, the external use of fresh root juice or liquid from the infusion of dried leaves can help reduce stretch marks.
(Striae) Stretch marks cream
– Arnica cream for stretch marks: Ideal for the treatment of stretch marks in pregnancy. Apply gently on her stomach four times daily.
– Calendula cream for stretch marks: With the same properties as the arnica. Apply the same way.
Vitamins for stretch marks
– Vitamin E for striae: Vitamin E is the most potent antioxidant vitamin. The ability of vitamin E to protect cell membranes and prevent the oxidation is responsible for its preventive powers in many major degenerative diseases such as cancer.
Applied externally, this vitamin has the ability to protect cells from the skin of the elements that make their degeneration thus preventing, among other conditions, the formation of stretch marks.
(Mix 1000 IU of vitamin E with a tablespoon of olive oil. Massage the affected area with stretch marks twice each day) This is specially a very useful remedy for reducing stretch marks in the stomach and breast.
More information about stretch marks and their natural treatment.