Medicinal plant remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy

Natural products for stretch marks of pregnancy

Phytotherapy. Medicinal plants for stretch marks of pregnancy

The main function of phytotherapy in the treatment of pregnancy stretch marks involves the use of a series of plants whose main objectives are:

  • Vegetable oils that nourish and protect from dehydration of the skin. Massages with these vegetable oils improve blood flow and increase skin nutrition.
  • Antioxidant plants that preserve the elasticity of the skin.
  • Emollient plants that provide those components that help keep skin more flexible and less dry, by providing hydration to this organ. They constitute an alternative to industrial beauty products that contain collagen or hyaluronic acid.

Attention! Not all cosmetics are suitable. Essential oils and some creams and dyes should be avoided. During pregnancy, cosmetics with ingredients that can cause adverse effects during pregnancy should be avoided.

* More information: Contraindications of creams in pregnancy

remedies stretch marks pregnancy creams recommended oils
Main natural remedies recommended to reduce or prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin during pregnancy. Remove the acibar from aloe. Acibar is a yellow latex of this plant that is immediately under the green crust of this plant. It can be abortive.

Safe remedies to remove stretch marks from pregnancy

Make homemade ointments with natural ingredients that have demonstrated properties to improve the appearance and health of the skin.

In general, these remedies are considered safe (their components are found naturally in the diet) and can be used throughout pregnancy, but as a precaution, it is advisable to consult with the doctor in each individual case:

  • Rosehip essential oil (Rosa spp): Very used in pregnancy both to minimize stretch marks and to reduce scars in case of caesarean section. The use of this oil applied in perineal massage before delivery is currently being done to try to favor the distensibility of the tissue during childbirth and prevent  skin tissue tears. (Apply rosehip oil of cold pressure on the skin 1-2 times a day. Preferably as a night cream)
  • Aloe vera (Aloe vera): Aloe vera gel is rich in mucilages that moisturize the skin. It is applied before oils or as a daytime facial cream. (Apply aloe gel) It should not contain the acibar, which is abortive !!
  • Lemon: (Citrus limonum Risso) The squeezed lemon mixed with rosehip oil helps prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. (Mix the juice of half a lemon with a tablespoon of oil and apply a gentle massage on the abdomen)
  • Oatmeal (Avena sativa): Due to its richness in soluble fibers, it helps to remove impurities from the skin (Homemade oatmeal mask hydrated in water or squeezed lemon)
  • Wheat germ oil: This is one of the richest oils in natural vitamin E that exist. Vitamin E is a great antioxidant in the skin and helps keep it shiny. However, you should not make an excess of this vitamin that would be counterproductive. (Apply wheat germ oil of cold pressure on the skin, 1-2 times a week, alternating with other oils such as the mosqueta) (Can be ingested. Do not consume more than 1 tablespoon daily. Do not use it for cooking) .

Creams with medicinal plants for stretch marks in pregnancy

calendula oil
Marigold oil for the skin

Creams with medicinal herbs that should be used in the form of massages on the area affected by stretch marks. When containing medicinal principles, it is recommended to consult with the doctor. Among the main remedies made with healing plants we have the following:

  • Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica): In studies it has been shown to be effective against stretch marks in pregnancy. Being a medicinal plant with triterpenes, it should be applied from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy only with medical supervision. (Creams with Gotu kola) (Consult with the doctor)
  • Marigold: (Calendula officinalis): Very used for skin care because of its content in azulene. (Calendula essential oil: The floral chapters are macerated in oil for 1 month. Apply on the belly 1 time a day or 2) (Cream: Apply cream with marigold gently on the belly four times a day).
  • Field marigold: (Calendula arvensis) With the same properties as calendula. Apply in the same way.
  • Arnica: (Arnica montana) It is ideal for the treatment of stretch marks during pregnancy. (Apply arnica cream gently on the belly four times a day).

Vitamins for stretch marks of pregnancy

Vitamin E is the most potent antioxidant vitamin. The ability of this vitamin to protect cell membranes and prevent oxidation is responsible for its benefits to improve skin health and prevent premature aging.

Applied externally, this vitamin has the ability to protect skin cells from the elements that produce their degeneration, thus preventing the formation of stretch marks. It is a very useful remedy to reduce stretch marks on the stomach and breasts.

Vitamin E should be taken in the diet through foods such as avocado, nuts, and cold pressure oils.

More caution should be exercised with vitamin E supplements, such as cold-pressed wheat germ oil.

punto rojo More information on stretch marks

This article was endorsed by Montserrat Enrich - Journalist specializing in edible wild plants and plant uses.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.