Sorrel cultivation

How to grow sorrel

sorrel cultivation

pot Plant characteristics

– Herbaceous perennial plant of the Polygonaceae family

– Basal leaves in rosette. In summer, flowering stem appears, reaching 90 – 120cm. high. It branches at its top.

– Alternate, entire leaves. Basal leaves are oblong and large. Leaves on the flowering stem are sessile and clasping the stem.

– It blooms from May to June.

– Sorrel is a diocious plant (there are male plants and female plants), with small, green flowers arranged in panicles. The male flowers are greenish; female, reddish. They are pollinated by the wind, and fill with fruit in summer.

– Sorrel seeds are achenes 2.5mm, with trigonal form.

Place Sorrel watering and location

– Sorrel plants belong to cold and temperate climates. Frost resistant up to -5.

– Optimum temperature 16 -18.

– It can grow in full sun, in semi-shade and shade.

– it Prefers moist and sheltered places.

soil Soil

– Sorrel is a relatively easy to grow plant, because it grows in most soils.

– Soil: grows in light, fresh, sandy loam or clay and soil rich in organic matter.

– Soil reaction: pH of acidic soil.

– It is a nitrophilous plant, so it is favored by rich-humus soil and well fermented manure.


sorrel cultivation calendar


– Preparing the ground at least 1 month before planting: Deep and well-fertilized

– Plant seeds in situ in February – March.

– Germination takes places in 10-15 days.

– The leaves can be harvested up to 8 weeks after planting and every 20 days until September.

– Cut the flowering stem will encourage leaf production.

– Propagate in the spring by division of clumps from the root (separating a whole stem from the rhizome).

– If you want to harvest the seeds, sorrel is a dioecious plant, so it requires to be pollinated by male plants.

Diseases and pests

Hepialus humili: butterfly that feeds on the roots of this plant.

– Aphids

– Snails and slugs.

punto rojo More information about sorrel.

This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

11 June, 2024

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