Skin creams made with medicinal plants

Improve the aspect of the skin with natural skin creams

To use plants for the care of the skin is a good way to maintain it in good state.

We offer you some natural remedies that, applied on the face as beauty masks, will be interesting to have a nicer look and healthier skin.

Natural creams for normal skin

  • marigold
    Marigold photo

    Rose cream: Mix 10 spoonfuls of avocado oil with 3 spoonfuls of virgin wax and a spoonful of cocoa oil. Melt them all well in bain-marie and add 10 spoonfuls of rose water. Apply on the face for 10 minutes and, finally, rinse with cold water.

  • Strawberry cream: Crush with the blender 50 g of strawberries and mix them with a glass of milk. Apply on the skin during ¼ of hour and cleanse with water.
  • Cucumber cream: It is carried out with 250 ml of milk and a cucumber. Crush the cucumber with a blender. Add some milk and beat them well. Apply on the face as a mask. Clean with a humid gauze.
  • Oat flour cream: Mix two spoonfuls of soy oil, two spoonfuls of almond oil and a small spoonful of beer yeast. Stir them well, adding 3 spoonfuls of oat flour at the same time until a pasta is formed. Pour some hot water until a clear mixture is formed. Apply it on the face during 30 minutes. Rinse with water.
  • Milk cream with rosemary and marigold: Mix a spoonful of marigold flowers with another of rosemary flowers. Macerate both of them for 20 days in the mixture of oils formed by 2 spoonfuls of avocado oil and four spoonfuls of soy oil. After maceration, combine a spoonful of the resulting liquid with another spoonful of cream. Stir vigorously and apply on the face during 15 minutes. Cleanse with tepid water.

*More information: Creams for normal skin

Natural creams for delicate skins

Carrot cream : Leave a carrot in water during the whole night. In the following morning, add ¼ of glass of milk. Mash them well and, after straining, to apply it on the sensitive skin.

Natural creams for dry skin

  • Peanut cream with honey: Crush 20 g of peanuts. Add a spoonful of soy oil and two spoonfuls of lemon juice. Mix them well and apply a mask on the face during 15 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.
  • Apple cream with almond oil: Peel an apple, remove all but the pulp and mash it. Add the yolk of an egg and 30 ml of oil of almonds. Stir them well and apply a mask on the face during 30 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.
  • Yogurt cream with olive oil: Mix a yogurt with a spoonful of olive oil. Apply a mask on the face during 15 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.
  • Milk cream with marigold and lavender : Mix 50 g of milk cream with two spoonfuls of avocado pulp. Add 5 ml of olive oil. Stir well, adding a spoonful of floral tops of lavender and the petals of a marigold. Mix well and let the mixture rest for some minutes. Then, beat all well and apply during 5 minutes on the very dry face. Rinse with tepid water.
  • Cream of cocoa butter with carrot: Mix a spoonful of cocoa butter with five spoonfuls of almond oil. Dissolve the oils well in ban-marie and add two spoonfuls of orange blossom water and a spoonful of carrot juice. Mix well and apply a mask on the face during 15 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.

Natural creams for fatty skins

  • Cucumber cream with oat flour: Mix 2 spoonfuls of cucumber pulp with a teaspoon of oat flour. Add a spoonful of soy oil and stir well. Apply a mask on the face during 15 minutes and rinse with tepid water.
  • Oat cream with sage: Dissolve 4 spoonfuls oat flour in ¼ of water. After a paste is done, mix the desired quantity with the sage extract in the same proportion. Apply a a mask on the face during 15 minutes and rinse with tepid water.

punto rojoMore information about skin natural treatments.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.