Why safflower oil or plant is bad for you?
When you should not use safflower?
This plant must be avoided in the following cases:
- Allergy to compound plants: People allergic to Daisy family plants (Asteraceae or Compositae) can also be allergic to safflower, from the same family.
- Safflower can lower blood pressure too much: Do not take safflower if you suffer from hypotension or if you take medication against hypertension.
- Safflower can affect blood clotting. Do not take safflower if you have bleeding, stomach ulcer, digestive ulcer, if you take anticoagulant medication, or thrombosis medication.
- Surgery: Safflower can affect clotting. Do not take safflower at least 2 weeks before surgery, and check with your doctor before starting treatment.
- Safflower flowers have an emmenagogue effect. Do not take safflower flowers if you are pregnant.
Toxicity of safflower
- Safflower flowers can cause miscarriage. Do not take safflower if you are pregnant because it has an abortive effect.
- Safflower oil can affect blood clotting. Do not take safflower oil if you take medication for coagulation or thrombosis.
More information on safflower and safflower oil
This article was endorsed by Montserrat Enrich - Journalist specializing in edible wild plants and plant uses.