How to make rosemary infusion and properties

Recipe to prepare rosemary infusion and its benefits


What is rosemary infusion good for?

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a highly appreciated medicinal plant practically all over the world, due to the fact that it is one of those with the greatest properties. Among these, the following possible benefits of rosemary infusion can be highlighted:

  • Stimulating properties
  • rosemary infusion
    Aromatic and medicinal rosemary infusion

    Properties as a natural antibiotic

  • Tonic properties of the digestive organs, being a great digestive infusion
  • Hepatic repair tonic, being one of the plants with the highest content of ursolic acid, hepatoprotective
  • Anti-inflammatory

Properties of rosemary infusion

Rosemary infusion is digestive and tonic for the liver. Taken after meals, it helps prevent the appearance of symptoms of poor digestion such as abdominal swelling, flatulence, heartburn, etc.

It is also a hepatoprotective, antibiotic, antioxidant, antispasmodic, diuretic, emmenagogue, stimulant and tonic plant.

Women can use this infusion to relieve menstrual pain during this period of the month, since, in addition to being anti-inflammatory, rosemary is an emmenagogue and facilitates uterine emptying. To do this, it must be combined with an anti-inflammatory diet.

In addition, rosemary is suitable in the natural treatment of respiratory, digestive and genitourinary infections. It is therefore indicated in cases of bronchitis, cough, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, cystitis, nephritis, etc. When there are vaginal infections, such as candidiasis, it is also advisable to perform rosemary baths (external treatments).

What are the benefits of using rosemary in flower?

Rosemary flowers contain a greater amount of active principles (carnosolic acid, rosmarinic acid, ursolic acid and carnosol). So whenever possible, it is recommended to use rosemary in flower for the preparation of infusions or other home remedies and preparations.

Dried rosemary infusion preparation
Dried rosemary infusion (flowering plant)

It has been shown that rosemary, due to its content in ursolic acid and essential oils, can low cholesterol, help low blood sugar (antidiabetic properties), and has blood thinning properties.

Rosemary infusion ingredients

Rosemary tea can be prepared simply with 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary leaves and flowers per cup of water.

You can also add a few slices of lemon, a few leaves of lemon balm, anise or stevia, to improve its flavor or complement its properties.

Preparation of rosemary infusion

The infusion method consists of heating the water to the boil, and when it begins to boil, turn off the heat, add the herbs and cover.

In the infusions many principles of plants can be extracted, as in this case the thymol of rosemary.

Rosemary infusion recipe for infections

How to make rosemary infusion step by step:

  • Boil half a liter of water.
  • When it breaks the boil, turn off the fire.
  • Quickly add 2 tablespoons of dried rosemary and cover.
  • Keep the infusion covered and resting for 5 minutes.
  • Uncover, strain, let cool slightly and drink.
  • Optional: sweeten with cinnamon, squeezed lemon or raw honey.

It is generally recommended to drink 3 glasses of this infusion per day.

Why is it important to cover the infusion?

The advice to cover the infusion to let it rest is an important detail whose meaning deserves to be explained. When herbs are immersed in hot water, the most volatile components of their essential oil are lost in the steam (for this reason, the steam of the infusions smells like a plant). This loss of essential oils can be avoided if we cover the infusions when preparing them.

When the infusions are not covered, the volatile oils evaporate and the infusion has fewer active ingredients.

Surely many people have noticed that, when uncovering an infusion, shiny specks appear on the surface of the liquid. Those droplets that can be seen in the infusions are the essential oil of the plant.

For whom are rosemary infusions recommended?

All people can take rosemary infusion for digestive or medicinal purposes.

Due to its tonic effect, it is also recommended for students, a remedy to clear the mind and mental fatigue.

Drinking rosemary infusions is also an anti-aging remedy, since it is a plant that is very rich in antioxidants.

Can children drink rosemary tea?

Rosemary is one of the medicinal plants that can be used in children, because its traditional use does not contraindicate it. However, whenever possible it is recommended to use thyme, with milder properties. Like any natural treatment, it should be administered to children with some caution:

  • Babies should not take remedies with rosemary or other plants.
  • Use in adequate amounts: The amount of rosemary that should be used in infusions should be appropriate, depending on the age and weight of the child.
  • In case of childhood bronchitis or persistent cough in children, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician. Rosemary infusion is common as a remedy for colds, but in children respiratory problems can sometimes become chronic or complicated if not treated in time.
  • Rosemary essential oil is contraindicated in children (more information)

Can medicinal plants be mixed in infusions?

In general, it is recommended not to mix different medicinal plants in the same infusion, because many of them can interact producing unexpected effects, such as the enhancement of their effect (synergy) or the appearance of adverse effects.

In general, it is recommended to use only one plant in each infusion, because most of them already have beneficial effects, without the need to be enhanced or complemented by others. The preparations or combinations of plants for infusions should only be made by experts in phytotherapy.

punto rojo More information on rosemary

This article was endorsed by Montserrat Enrich - Journalist specializing in edible wild plants and plant uses.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

12 May, 2023

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.