Tonics characteristics

What is a tonic?

A tonic or restorative is any preparation that returns the normal functioning of a particular organ of the human body.

A tonic invigorates and gives strength to a part of our body that worked under normal conditions.

Main types of tonics

The main types of tonics are:

General Tonic: A tonic for the whole body

Stomach Tonic: Restores stomach activity

Digestive Tonic: Restores appetite

Hair tonic: Strengthens and invigorates the hair

Cardiac tonic: Strengthens and invigorates the heart

Muscle Tonic: Restorative for muscles

Nerve Tonic: Restores the normal tone of the nerves

Genital tonic: Restorative for the activity of genitals

Uterine tonic: Strengthens the uterus

Cosmetic Tonic:Cleans well the remains of creams and impurities, helping to close the pores and providing moisture and freshness to the skin, increasing its permeability so that future cleansing creams can better penetrate.

How is a general tonic done?

Non-alcoholic general tonic: We can make a general tonic water based from Iceland lichen.

Make a decoction of 10 gr. of dried plant per liter of water. Simmer until half of liquid remains. We will take several tablespoons a day.

This tonic allows to reenergize the body so that it will function normally. What this tonic makes is to increase the number of red blood cells to correct body weakness. Very useful also in case of anemia.

Alcoholic general tonic: Widely used are the tonic wines, where medicinal plants are macerated in wine so that this acquires its properties. A general tonic containing alcohol is, for example, gentian wine, such as described in the formula in the right column

How to use tonics?

You can take two to three cups before meals or spread throughout the day

How to preserve tonics?

Alcoholic preparations can be stored up to 4 months if the herbs are in good condition, it is important that they are covered by the wine. We use quality wines such as Sherry or Port.

Preparations must be of the same day.

How to make gentian wine

* See contraindications

Gentian tonic wine


– 1 liter of Sherry white wine

– 30 gr of gentian root


– Mix the ingredients in a dark glass container

– Allow to macerate for 8 to 10 days in a warm place in the shade.


Have a little cup before the two main meals

Some general tonics

As general tonics we have, for example:

Green buds of alfalfa as a general tonic


Gentian: See the recipe on the right column

Royal jelly


punto rojo More information on medicinal plants

This article was endorsed by Montserrat Enrich - Journalist specializing in edible wild plants and plant uses.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

16 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.