Benefits of Mentha x piperita essential oil

Characteristics of peppermint essential oil
Peppermint essential oil smells like the rest of the plant: very strongly and distinctively.
Colorless when just removed, it becomes greenish or reddish or light yellow.
Composition of peppermint essential oil
Peppermint essential oil is rich in:
- Menthol
- Cineole
- Menthone,
- Menthyl acetate
- Pulegone
Properties of peppermint essential oil
- It possess antiseptic, antipruritic, astringent and healing properties. All them, make it well suited for the treatment of skin abnormalities.
- It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, very suitable for muscle and joint problems.
- Being expectorant, antispasmodic and antiseptic, can be used for respiratory problems, being one of the main oils for inhalation.
- Its immunostimulant properties make it suitable to increase defenses against microorganisms.
- It is carminative, stomachic, cholagogue, vermifuge, so it can be used to treat digestive diseases.
- Being stimulating and refreshing, it is excellent to clear your head, wake you up and relieve your traveler syndrome
- It is a good nerve tonic
Medicinal properties of mint essential oil
- Ideal for skin care, in conditions such as dermatitis, itchy skin, acne, etc..
- It can be used for the treatment of respiratory diseases by inhalation in the treatment of tonsillitis, bronchitis, colds, asthma, cough, flu, etc.
- For its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties can help fight pain and reduce inflammation in muscle aches, strains, etc..
- It is very good digestive, being useful in cases of indigestion, flatulence, vomiting and intestinal spasms.
- For nervous disorders such as depression, anxiety, stress or other physical symptoms that come from nerve problems such as headaches or migraines, vertigo or travel sickness.
Industrial uses of mint essential oil
- It is used in perfumery and in the manufacture of cosmetics or soaps
- To flavor drinks, gum and food.
- In pharmacy, it is widely used for making respiratory or digestive medications, and to flavor toothpaste.
Toxicity of peppermint essential oil
In external use, when diluted and used in moderation, it is not toxic. though, because it contains menthol, it can cause allergic reactions and has some contraindications (See toxicity properties of menthol and peppermint)
It may be irritating to the skin
More information on other essential oil and peppermint