Matico properties

(Piper aduncum)



The main use of this plant is as a substitute for black pepper (Piper nigrum), and in traditional medicine to treat wounds, indigestion, hemorrhages, vomiting, flatulence,coughing. It has been also used as antibacterial, decongestant, stimulant, diuretic, anti-rheumatic,

Armand Trousseau in his Treatise describes the therapeutic uses of this valuable plant, which spread to Europe because of its success as medicine: ” it was used successfully in gonorrhea, leucorrhoea and generally in all conditions dependent relaxation of tissues. in England is it the universal panacea military gout “.

In addition to its applications, Matico has soothing, astringent and homeostatic properties very useful to cut bleeding. For these effects can be applied in poultice or infusion or syrup.

Infusions, extracts, syrups, tinctures, ointments, capsules, poultices, etc.. were prepared with Matico, although its use as a medicinal plant has been virtually abandoned.

Trivia: Origin of ” Soldier’s herb’

Matico is a plant also known as “soldier’s herb”. It is said that this name is due to the fact that the plant became popular with soldiers because of its property to stop bleeding.

Legend has it that the plant was discovered by a Spanish wounded soldier named Matico, who learned the medicinal use of this plant observing local populations.

punto rojoMore information about Matico and other types of peppers.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

19 March, 2019

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