Is parsley good for hair?

Benefits of parsley for hair
Parsley is often used to obtain a hair that is brighter and that grows strongly. Applied as an infusion, as a night mask.
This is due to its nutritional composition that gives it effects:
- Refreshing and purifying: The leaves, fruits and roots are used as an infusion or drink that produces such a cooling effect.
- Toning of the skin and hair.
- Vasodilator action: This may also be beneficial for improving blood supply and strengthening hair.
- Soothing, because of its vitamin A and beta-carotene content, in case of dandruff, itching or peeling.
- Healing, due to its vitamin C content, in case of wounds caused by itching.
- Fortifying, because of its content of amino acids and vitamins of group B.
More information on parsley